F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter







Next meeting: August 4th, 6PM Warren County Fairgrounds


          We need to let everyone know, the club picnic is August 24th, the RSVP for the event is August 17th, please let Chris and Stephanie Rolke know before August 17th if you are going. The club made a donation to the fund the Jolly family has requested gifts in Bills name to, and we did the same for the Collins family wishes as well. Pleased to report the Tractor Trek had 36 tractors involved and ran 36 miles or so, raising $1218 for the Lebanon Abuse shelter.


          I know many of you wrote me emails asking about events and dates, I apologize for not answering back, I was a bit tied up with some farm work and computer issues, so I am sorry I did not get back sooner. There was some confusion on a couple of the 4th of July parade dates, I did send a couple of correction emails out, but looking through my inbox, I can understand how they could be missed J


          I have talked to several people who said they remember maybe one year like this when they were a kid, Bruce Goodwin mentioned his Grandpa talking about in the 30’s there being a year rained so much people couldn’t get anything (horses or tractors) in the field to cultivate, I’m hoping this is a one in thirty weather event (same as last year for that matter) J



7/16-7/20 Warren County Fair, Antique Pull 7/19 10am

7/21-7/27: Clermont County Fair, Antique Pull 7/26 10am

8/3-8/4: Stonelick Lake Show

8/8: Plain City Der Dutchmen Tractor Cruise In, 4-Dark

8/10-8/11: Bill Jolly Memorial Show, Barn n Bunk Market, StRt 73 and Wayne Madison Rd, Trenton, OH, 10-5

8/24: Farm Club Picnic

8/31-9/1: Waynesville Fly-In, 10am display, 5pm air show


Any questions contact one of our directors.

Russ Rolke 513-248-2501 or RCR@FUSE.NET

Mike Lumley 513-515-8613 or ihpapaw@yahoo.com

Larry Flynn (513)266-7413 or l.flynn60@yahoo.com

Dave Siebert, Treasurer, (937)603-4233 or davedenisesiebert@gmail.com

Roger Walker, Secretary, 513-256-5803 or wctractorguy@aol.com